Cửa hàng quà tặng

Little India Arcade

13 người địa phương đề xuất,

Gợi ý từ người dân địa phương

March 15, 2018
From textiles and dresses to handicrafts, spices, perfumes and Hindi movie CDs. All things Indian! ❤
April 20, 2014
The Banana Leaf Indian Restaurant. Eat with your hands off of banana leaves!
March 15, 2016
A series of restored shophouses filled with souvenir and sari shops. It’s a great place to find small trinkets, Indian CDs, and traditional Indian clothing.
June 6, 2014
Gateway to Little India. Grab a shuttle bus from here to Singapore Zoo, Singapore River Safari and Night Safari -- must-visit world class destinations. BUS timing 9am 12nn 6.25pm 7.25pm 8.25pm 9.25pm

Những điều độc đáo nên trải nghiệm gần đó

Chụp ảnh chân dung khu vườn bên bờ vịnh
Mindfulness Night Walk through the Heart of Singapore City
Ăn như người địa phương trong chuyến tham quan ẩm thực
Vị trí
48 Serangoon Rd