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Sleepy Hollow Lighthouse

4 người địa phương đề xuất,
Vị trí
Tarrytown Light-Kingsland Point Path
Sleepy Hollow, NY

Gợi ý từ người dân địa phương

August 9, 2022
Park at the Tarrytown and walk along the River Walk. To the South you can see views of NYC to the North is the Lighthouse in Sleepy Hollow
July 5, 2017
Tarrytown Light, also known as Kingsland Point Light and Sleepy Hollow Light, is a sparkplug lighthouse on the east side of the Hudson River in Sleepy Hollow, New York, United States. It a conical steel structure erected in the 1880s. In 1979 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Những điều độc đáo nên trải nghiệm gần đó

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